Attn... Business Owners and Professionals

An Amazing Strategy To Increase Your Savings

Without Spending Any More!!!

Watch Me First

For You or For Your Employees?

Help Your Employees Stay

Catch Up Your Personal Savings

Advantages of Kai-Zen Plan

  • Make Five Installments and You Are Done (5 and done)
  • Use Other Peoples Money To Build Your Retirement Lifestyle (Leverage)
  • No Market Risk
  • Your Income Comes Out Tax Exempt at Retirement
  • Critical, Chronic and Terminal Illness Coverage Included

What Kai-Zen Clients Say About Their Plan

Mom and Professional

Computer Guy


One For Every Family Member

Avoiding All The Risk



Frequently Asked Questions

Why have I not heard of this before?

Unless you specialize in Hybrid retirement income planning, you would not have even known this capability exists. Like everything else in life, we don’t know about something until someone tells us about it.

Do I need a personal guarantee?

✔ No personal guarantee

✔ No credit check

✔ No loan docs

✔ No interest payments.

What if I am funding my 401k to the max?

Great, is the match 300%? Can you access the income from your 401k in the future TAX EXEMPT? Remember, this is a 5 and done program.

What if I hate Life Insurance?

Me too. I do, however, love what it can do. Participate in the upside of the market without the risk of the downside. Tax free growth and potential tax exempt distributions! If you get sick or die it helps you self-complete the plan. Don't Love the product, love what it can do.

What are the fees?

Like everything in life, there is a cost involved. However, in this plan you will know what they are and they are locked. Over the life of the plan you will pay no more in fees as any other type of savings. Its like buy term and invest the difference on steroids.

What are the upfront costs?

You pay nothing and are obligated to nothing until you send in your first installment check and the trust documents are created. So in other words, you will know and make your decision to do this way before any transaction happens. You will know where every dollar goes before you write a check.

Ray Alkalai

Insurance & Financial

